

  1. Install the Lovense Connect app for Android or iOS. This is different from Lovense Remote!
  2. Open the Lovense Connect app and connect your toy.
  3. Refresh this page.

When successfully connected your toy will turn on for three seconds, and these instructions will be replaced with information about the connection.


Please screenshot this or copy/paste it to Nirea if she's asked for your help with testing.

		This is debug output.  
Last command:
Last response:

The toy will be controlled by the DJ or effects person inworld.

You can end the connection at any time by closing this browser tab.


Not getting the 3 second buzz or any other response from your toy? Try this:

  1. Make sure you're opening this page on your computer's web browser and not your phone. Phone browsers go into sleep mode and will not send commands consistently.
  2. Make sure your computer and your phone are using the same wifi network. The browser needs to send commands to the Lovense Connect app running on your phone, but it can't do that if they're not on the same network.
  3. If you sometimes use the Lovense Remote app, make sure you've disconnected your toy from it. Your toy can only be connected to one of the apps (Lovense Connect or Lovense Remote) at a time. This site uses Lovense Connect.